
  • Meditation classes with Siri Simran are classes that leads you into the space of healing, opening, clearing your mind, understanding and learning about yourself. Siri Simran holds a beautiful healing space for her students and with her strong meditative mind reads the space to choose meditations that students need at the time.

    What will you receive from the classes:

    • You will be able to develop your meditative mind which helps you stay centered and focused, make intuitive decisions, be more with the flow and increase your awareness

    • You will learn ancient and sacred meditations that can transform your state and bring your to the state of awareness

    Deepen your meditative practice

    Learn how to meditate and go into silence with yourself.

    Group connection and meditation increases happiness and joy as the happiness of one person balances the sadness of another.

    Clear blocks, fears, switch limiting beliefs and patterns.

    Develop your intuition and trust within yourself as intuition is humans' primary protection tool.

    It doesn't matter whether you are a long-time meditatior or just learning to meditate you will get a deep and transformative experience.

    Meditation class with Siri Simran is a magical journey for you to meet your own consciousness, feel yourself, get in touch with your wisdom and truth, and allow yourself to simply be. This is when expansion and healing starts to happen.

  • I’d like to talk about my dear friend and spiritual healer Siri Simran Khalsa. She is a woman of great compassion and empathy! A woman whose primary concern is of you when you are in in her presence – a rare quality!

Siri Simran is a gifted spiritual healer and teacher! She has challenged me in a kind and loving way to deepen my awareness of my own goodness and spirituality and to trust and believe in myself through our deeply meaningful and confidential conversations. Her intuitive, honest feedback of my present experience in life is always generated from a place of love. This makes me feel safe as she is always speaking from a place of truth and without judgement.

    Her kindness and indelible calmness which comes through her years of meditation and deep conviction in a higher source allows me to breathe into the healing and trust that she is there for my greatest good. I always come out of our healing work, with a knowingness that my inner being has shifted to a more peaceful, joyful state. I feel better able to access my resilience and equanimity with regard to the situation I am going through.

    Her outstanding knowledge of the yoga practice, of the meditations and breath work that she teaches me, only serves to improve the quality of my life and for that I am deeply grateful! Siri Simran I have so much love and gratitude for you for being in my life! Thank you, a million times over!

  • My life didn't change overnight when I met Siri Simran....however, it did change and I learned to trust her teachings just as much as I believed in the instructions of the Rabbis I've met over my lifetime.

    Siri is truly a wondrous spirit. Her face is luminous and her intuition spot on. I credit her with not only teaching me meditation but also with teaching me the power of our minds and emotions, which when funneled through meditation, became a grounding force in my life, which had previously been so out of control, my body was manifesting illnesses. Meditating with Siri has made me stronger, my mind clearer, and my intentions clearer. At each stage, Siri had patience with my questions regarding mediation and spirituality, and her powers to heal got me through pervasive physical and emotional pain. I've worked with Siri for over 14 years and I cannot imagine my life without her guidance, instruction, and friendship. She is a powerful teacher, healer, and truly an angel among humans.

  • The space that created by our teacher is so compassionate & deep healing, silent, felt quite nourished and uplifted. Our teacher is so radiant so stable&tranquil. Grateful for the healing process with my inner child, at the beginning, the child would like to hide, then slowly came out from the corner, then willing to trust me and make peach with me. Siri Simran's class is so present, very touching and healing.